Can't patch CoH


New Member
I posted at relic, no luck in help. So I thought I would try here. I can install CoH from my DVD no problem. The game works. When I try to patch it, the game becomes corrupt. I can get patch 1.40 to install, after that it is a no go. I am completely frustrated. I must be having a hardware conflict or a corrupt install disc. I do a selective startup with only Windows services running. Each an every time I get this error message involving this file "ww2data.sga" and this code: Error 10104.

Anyone else on Vista 64 experiencing this problem? This is the first real SNAFU I have encountered with 64. Sucks, especially when it is a "Games For Windows" game.

RelicNews Forums - Can't Patch beyond 1.4 in CoH w/ Vista 64

Any help would greatly be appreciated. Thanks.
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My Computer

I have given up. I don't really feel like pulling hardware or uninstalling software to troubleshoot. I know it is not Vista 64, because other 64 users are running it fine.

I most likely have a corrupt install disc. I think developers/distributors should have a FTP site where you can download game files, especially if a known problem exists. Apparently, corrupt install discs were quite common with the original CoH. Just let me download a correct version. I already have serial/CD key. What is the harm? You can't use the program without it.

Sorry for the vent. I have sent a similar rant to both THQ and Relic. I guess we will see if it gets me anywhere.

My Computer

Hello, Blackjaw:

I know what you mean about COH / patches / Vista 64. I got this game as a package with an ASUS HD3850 gfx card. I installed it under Vista HP 64x. It installed fine, no problems. When run for the 1st time, it claims that it needs to be patched but the auto-patch never works... always reports as "failed" and that I should "try again later".

I also tried a manual patch but that failed as well, this time claiming that the Vista registry did not contain any reference to COH and that I should "install the game properly". Yeah. As if I had ANYTHING to say about how the COH installer program handled the Vista registry! :-(

My thought is that this is probably a decent game... WHEN IT WORKS. For the rest of us, it looks suspiciously like crud-ware.

My intent at this point is to delete this program... if even that will work... and get on to playing games that actually install and run.

Oh, yeah... it will be a cold day in #ell before I try another Relic program.



My Computer

Haha. Yeah, Relic designed a great game, too bad the mechanics for it are so finicky. Since I love the game so much, I found an inconvenient solution. I have a dual boot system. I update/patch the game in XP, then copy it to my Vista partition. Totally retarded, but at least I can still play the game. I plan on doing a fresh install of Vista sometime in the near future, going to install CoH first to see if patching works before installing any other program.

My Computer

I also have a dual boot system with Win XP Pro 32 and Vista 64. I tried to do the manual patch under XP Pro but that failed to work. I should probably try reinstalling the game under XP and see if that is a bit more user friendly. It would be good if the silly game would at least tell me which version it is. That way I could DL only the patch that it needs and not multiple patches. I suppose that the auto-patch program takes of this... if only it actually worked! :-/


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